The COO recognizes the impact of systemic racism in Ontario and is committed to supporting registrants in the equitable delivery of healthcare in the province. [ read more ]
Join the March Board Meeting to stay informed on important updates and discussions on Ontario’s Opticianry Profession. [ read more ]
The College is seeking your feedback through a survey to help shape the future of the opticianry profession. Your input is essential to ensure that the strategic priorities for the 2026-2028 Strategic Plan reflect the real challenges, opportunities, and trends you face in your practice. [ read more ]
All 2025 renewal decals and badges have been mailed out for all Registered Opticians who have renewed for 2025. Please allow until the end of February for delivery, as Canada Post works to resume full-service levels following the recent strike. [ read more ]
Whether you’re visiting an optician for the first time or a seasoned glasses or contact lens wearer, understanding what to expect can make your visit smoother and more productive. [ read more ]
Are you hoping to maintain your professional standing with the College while you’re not actively practicing as an optician? Maybe you’re on maternity or health leave, you’re retired or you’re simply no longer practising at the moment. [ read more ]