Recent News

March 4, 2024

Changes to the Registration Regulation

Exciting news! The Ontario government has approved changes to two important regulations including the Registration Regulation and the Examinations Regulation. These new regulations come into effect July 1, 2024.

With the arrival of the new Registration Regulation, the College will be in the position to look at several registrant and student requests including revising the contact lens requirements for licensing, the date of the annual renewal as well as the creation of an Inactive Class for those wishing to take a break from dispensing.

With these changes come new requirements including a currency requirement. Opticians will be required to have practiced a minimum of 500 hours within a 3-year period to maintain their certificate of registration. As well, opticians who have allowed their certificate of registration to lapse beyond 3 years will face revocation of their certificate.

The new Inactive Class may be a good option for those who do not wish to actively dispense but wish to maintain their certificate. Refresher programs are under development for those who may not meet the 500-hour currency requirement.

In the coming months, the College will be hosting a variety of information webinars as well as attending several in-person trade shows to share more information with you. We will be seeking your input on several new policies that support the new regulation through surveys and focus groups. Please monitor your email and follow us on social media to keep apprised of the upcoming events.

CLick  here for more information and be assured that we are here to assist you as we transition to the new regulation.

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