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March 18, 2024

COO Spring Webinar Series

With upcoming Board elections and a new Registration Regulation coming into effect on July 1, 2024, the COO will be holding a Spring Webinar Series to provide information and answer questions. These webinars are also an opportunity for Registrants to gain free self-directed CE credits. You can register for the sessions by click on the links in the titles the following three sessions:

April 10, 12:15 to 1:00 Elections Information Session: The session will provide information about what is involved in running for election and being a board member, as well as what to expect from the screening interview.
April 17, 12:15 to 1:00 New Ongoing Currency Requirements and what they mean for Registered Opticians: What are the new currency requirements, how to report them and what to do if you do not meet the requirement. 
April 24, 12:15 to 1:00 The New Inactive Class: This session will explain how to join the inactive class if you are currently suspended. The session will also cover moving from active class to the inactive class. 

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