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October 16, 2023

Important update about Refraction and Refraction Designations

An important decision was made by the COO’s Board on October 2, 2023 about the practice of refraction by registered opticians in Ontario. Going forward, the COO will no longer recognize Refraction Designations. In addition, Standard 8: Refraction has been rescinded with immediate effect. This decision was reached after extensive consultations with refracting and non-refracting opticians, patients and other stakeholders.

This means that those opticians who were previously issued a Refraction Designation may no longer refer to themselves as a “Refracting Optician” or represent to the public that they hold a refraction designation.

All registered opticians who have the appropriate skills and knowledge may continue to:

  • Work under the assignment or delegation of an authorized prescriber to perform refraction as part of a comprehensive eye exam that results in a prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses.
  • Perform manifest over refractions (MOR) or compensating prescriptions for vertex distance or working distances when fitting contact lenses and/or eyeglasses.
  • List “refraction” as one of their areas of practice on the public register and/or in advertisements or signage relating to their practice.
  • Identify to patients that they perform refraction.

The Board is charged with making decisions in the best interest of the public. With a growing number of registrants working in a shared practice environment with authorized prescribers, a need was identified to modernize and streamline the Standards of Practice so that all registrants would have a clear understanding of their responsibilities related to refraction, including those who were not eligible for a refraction designation.

Important Updates to Standard 4: Infection and Safety Control and Retirement of COVID-19 Practice Guidelines

The COVID-19 Practice Guidelines that were initially approved by the College on May 30, 2022 have now been retired by the Board and are no longer in effect. Instead, updates have been made to Standard 4: Safety and Infection Control in the Practice Environment to incorporate additional guidance on managing the risk of infectious agents in the practice environment, including guidance with respect to cleaning and disinfecting practices. All opticians should review and become familiar with the updated standards. Reach out to with any questions.

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