Recent News

April 14, 2023

Registration Policies: We want to hear from you!

 The College is seeking stakeholder feedback on three new proposed policies. All three policies relate to registration requirements for new and existing opticians. The policies are necessary because of amendments that are being made to the College’s Registration Regulation. These amendments were submitted to the Ontario Government in June 2017 and are awaiting final approval. It is possible that this approval will happen as early as August 31, 2023.
Click the links below to learn more about each of the proposed policies and to provide your comments and feedback before these policies are finalized by the Board of Directors at their upcoming meeting in June. 
Practicum Policy
This policy relates to the practicum (practical experience) requirements that applicants will have to demonstrate in order to register as an optician in Ontario.
Additional Information:
•    Explanation/Rationale for the proposed policy
•    Text of the proposed policy
•    Feedback/Comments 

Currency of Practice Policy
This policy outlines how opticians will demonstrate that their skills and knowledge remain up to date. This will be a new requirement for Registered Opticians once the amendments to the Registration Regulation are approved by the Ontario Government.
Additional Information:
•    Explanation/Rationale for the proposed policy
•    Text of the proposed policy
•    Feedback/Comments 

Reinstatement and Changing from Inactive to Active Practice Policy 
This policy relates to the process for opticians to return to active practice after their certificate has been suspended for non-renewal, or they have had a period of inactivity.
Additional Information:
•    Explanation/Rationale for the proposed policy
•    Text of the proposed policy
•    Feedback/Comments 

Feedback will be accepted on all three policies until May 14, 2023. 

Visit our stakeholder feedback page for more information.  



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