Recent News

May 26, 2020

Spring Update and Board of Directors Highlights

COVID-19 Accommodation: Registration Fee Adjustment

The Board of Directors met on May 11, 2020 to consider a by-law change that will reduce the 2021 annual fee for registered opticians by $200. The purpose of this proposed by-law change is to:


  • Assist registrants in meeting their registration obligations for the coming year by ensuring that regulatory processes do not place an undue burden on them or, by extension, their patients 
  • Ensure an adequate supply of qualified ROs will be able to offer opticianry services to Ontario patients in 2021
  • Maintain the College’s ability to protect the public through the regulation of the profession 

ACTION ITEM: The College acknowledges that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on registrants and practice operators. If you would like to share your feedback on the proposed by-law amendment, please complete this short survey before July 22, 2020. 

Return to Practice Guidelines 

The College has developed guidelines to assist registrants as they prepare to return to practice. The Guidelines will come into effect once opticians are given direction by the Ontario government that they may resume practice. Directive 2, the emergency order that requires regulated health professionals to cease non-essential services remains in effect. Until this directive is lifted, opticians may only provide essential services.

The guidelines work together with the existing standards of practice and can be found here on our website. The guidelines will be updated as necessary so please check back regularly. 

ACTION ITEM: The College is conducting a Return to Practice Readiness Survey to assess if registrants are prepared to resume practise. Please complete the survey by Thursday, May 28th, to assist the College as we work with the Ministry of Health.  

Return to Practice Webinar 
The College held a Webinar on Friday, May 15, 2020 to introduce the Return to Practice Guidelines and answer questions from registrants as they plan for the province to announce further re-openings. If you attended 80% of the webinar you are eligible to receive a 1.5 hour Professional Growth credit towards your 2020 continuing education requirements. If this applies to you, an email confirming your attendance has been sent to you.

Implementation of a Vulnerable Sector Check for New Applicants 
To ensure that the College is fulfilling its mandate of public protection, the Board of Directors approved a policy to implement Vulnerable Sector Checks for new applicants. Effective January 1, 2021, all new applicants for a certificate of registration as a Registered Optician will be required to submit the results of a Vulnerable Sector Check as part of their application to the College. The policy does not apply to Student or Intern applicants, who will continue with the current practice of self-declaration. Details explaining how the Vulnerable Sector Check should be obtained, including step-by-step instructions for applicants, will be posted on the College’s website. The new Vulnerable Sector Check Policy incorporates the existing Policy Dealing with Convictions, Findings and Ongoing Proceedings.

Board of Directors Meeting Highlights
The Board of Directors for the College met on May 11, 2020. To see the full meeting highlights, please click here


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