College Performance Measurement Framework

How well are Ontario’s regulatory health colleges protecting the public interest?” This is the question the Ontario Ministry of Health asked health profession regulators to answer when it developed the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF).

College of Opticians of Ontario CPMF Reports  

View the 2024 CPMF Report Here:

2024 CPMF Report

What is the CPMF?

The College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF) is a tool developed by Ontario’s Ministry of Health, with input from health regulatory colleges, subject matter experts, and the public. 

The purpose of the CPMF is to help the public understand how well Colleges are doing their job and to help continually improve accountability, transparency and oversight. 

The CPMF includes information about a College’s performance in a variety of areas, including:
•    Governance, accountability and transparency
•    Collaboration with system partners
•    Setting and maintaining high practice standards
•    Processing complaints

Highlights from the 2024 CPMF Report 


Throughout 2024, the COO continued to demonstrate its commitment to public protection, transparency, and strong governance. 

In 2024, the COO reported that it met, or partially met, all 50 measures identified by the Ministry of Health. Of these measures, 96% were fully met, and 4% were partially met. 

Key achievements in 2024 included:

  • The deployment of a wide-scale education campaign to support registrants, applicants, educators and other system partners understand and implement changes arising out of amendments to three of the COO’s regulations that came into effect on July 1, 2024. The campaign included eblasts, social media posts, website updates, targeted communications, blog posts, three webinars and live presentations at registrant events in Toronto, Ottawa and Sudbury.
  • Numerous collaborations with other health regulatory colleges that aimed to streamline regulatory processes and better support registrants in delivering safe and inclusive vision care. Examples include:
    • Working with the College of Optometrists of Ontario to engage members of the Indigenous community on the delivery of equitable, safe, culturally competent and accessible vision care.
    • Development of a joint webinar with the College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario focused on equity and allyship in the delivery of healthcare.
    • The initiation of a project, in conjunction with the National Alliance of Canadian Opticianry Regulators, to develop a public awareness campaign to promote the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition process as a pathway to registration for internationally trained opticians.
    • Beginning a space-sharing arrangement with the College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario that has resulted in significant cost savings for both organizations.
  • Another governance milestone was reached in 2024 when the COO’s Board of Directors approved reforms to the board election process that will see the College move from 8 geographic districts to a single all-Ontario district from which all eight professional  board members will be elected.


Past CPMF Reports: 
2023 CPMF Report
2022 CPMF Report
2021 CPMF Report
2020 CPMF Report  

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