September 26, 2022 -
We invite you to join the next virtual Board of Directors meeting on YouTube. Details below:
July 14, 2022 -
An election will be held for Board of Directors positions in District 4 (Western), District 7 (Central Western), and District 6 (Ontario / Contact Lens Mentor) from October 14, 2022, to October 28, 2022. The successful candidates will begin serving a three-year term of office starting January 1, 2023.
June 13, 2022 -
As most of you are aware, effective June 11, 2022, the Ontario Government revoked all remaining directives relating to the health care sector, including the requirements for masks and screening in health care settings.
June 10, 2022 -
On Wednesday the Ontario Government announced that effective Saturday, June 11, 2022, the current Directives, including the Operational Requirements: Health Sector Restart document that require masks and screening in health care settings will be revoked.
May 26, 2022 -
Read on for updates about stakeholder feedback, Information for Joining the Board Meeting, and more!
May 17, 2022 -
We invite you to join the next virtual Board of Directors meeting on YouTube on Monday, May 30, 2022, from 11:20, am to 4:00 pm.
April 28, 2022 -
While restrictions on masking are easing in most settings, the provincial government still requires health care settings such as optical dispensaries to continue the use of appropriate face coverings until at least June 11, 2022.
April 26, 2022 -
We want to hear from you. The College is inviting opticians to complete a survey to provide feedback to the Board on current trends in the practice environment.
April 5, 2022 -
The College of Opticians of Ontario is inviting stakeholders of the College to provide feedback about proposed changes to the College by-laws relating to:
1) Fees for a new inactive class of registration
2) Professional Liability Insurance
March 22, 2022 -
Eyecare and the dispensing of eyeglasses and contact lenses falls under the umbrella of health care services. As such, your care and safety are of paramount concern to your Optician.