Get involved!

Working with the College of Opticians of Ontario is a rewarding way to contribute to public protection and the governing of the self-regulated profession of opticianry. As a professional, there are a number of ways you can work with us including running for a seat on the board, becoming an Appointed member, A Peer or Practice Assessor or NACOR Examiner.


Opticians who serve on Board make decisions about College policies and by-laws that reflect our mandate of ensuring that the public receives safe, ethical, and competent care by Registered Opticians. If you are a Registered Optician interested in using your knowledge and skill in the interest of public protection, you should consider seeking nomination.  Visit our elections page for more information.

Call for Appointed Members

Although they do not have voting privileges at Board meetings, Appointed Members play an active role in the College by serving on committees and participating in working groups. Appointed Members are compensated for time spent on College business and for reasonable expenses incurred. For more information on becoming an appointed member contact us at


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90 Adelaide Street W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5H 3V9

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